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The Becoming podcast was born out of the desire to deepen the conversations on what it means to cultivate a meaningful life. It seems so many are sleepwalking through their lives. So many live in deep discontent. So many feel lost. I think these are experiences of humanness to which we can all relate, I'd even say, I believe it is largely why we are here, to experience the fullness of life, the highs, lows and in betweens. It is my intent to have candid conversations that invite us to look more deeply at how we live. It is my intention to invite others into the conversation on what it took for them to wake up and create a life that feels deeply aligned with who they are, why they are here and the journey that brought them to this place.
I believe if you are reading these words, you are being called, or have already answered the call to become more conscious of how you live. I believe you have a desire to better understand your work here, earthside and I hope you are willing to accepth that the world needs your unique offering.
This thing called life is messy and brutiful (thank you Glennon for that term). The beauty lives amidst the struggle, heartache and unraveling. It is when we can release ourselves of all that we think and shift away from the cerebral mind and instead drop into the wisdom of the heart, it is there that deep content can be found. It is within you. It is within each of us. We all have a story to be told, a destiny to be met and a purpose for this life.
May we find hope in these connections and expansion in these ponderings.
XO, Ann